7 reasons to have video on social

If video is not a core focus on your social channels, it’s time to reconsider your strategy.

Video is having a major moment right now. It drives traffic, creates engagement and holds attention. ‘Nuff said? If you’re still not convinced here are 7 reasons why.

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#1 Exposure & Engagement

Video content performs best with most algorithms because it hold viewer’s attending longer. Tweets with video see 10x more engagement and is a top performer on Instagram.

#2: Growing in Popularity

Social media users love video. A 2018 study showed that 54% of consumers wanted to see more video content from the brands or businesses they support. Video continues to grow in popularity across every channel – from Facebook to LinkedIn. In 2019, users spent a weekly average of  6 hours and 48 minutes watching online videos, a 59% increase from 2016.

#3: Longer Shelf-life 

Not only does video content get more engagement than other content types, it usually sticks around for longer. This is because video content typically generates more interactions and shares, which means it stays in the ecosystem for longer.

#4: Gen Z!

Gen Z are much more connected to the internet than other generations, and have grown up with YouTube as a primary source of entertainment and education.

A YouTube survey showed 50% of millennials and Gen Z generations said they "couldn't live" without video in their daily lives.

#5: Repurposing Capabilities

Producing quality video content may be more time consuming than taking a photograph, but once complete, you can use it to reach different audiences across multiple platforms.

Translation: Greater reach = a greater return on investment.

#6: Represents the Brand

More than ever before, consumers want to know more about the brands and creators they follow – and video is one of the most effective ways to do this. Showcasing the faces of your brand through video content can humanize your business and help create a deeper, more emotional connection between you and your community.

#7: Powerful Sales Tool 

If a picture can tell a thousand words, a video is worth at least a million. Which is just one reason why video is such a powerful sales tool. Pinterest users are 2.6x more likely to make a purchase after viewing brand's video on the platform.

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